Sunroom, What is That?

If you have the extra yard space, you should add a sunroom to your home.  This adds value to your home because it will add more square footage to the home and it will also give future potential buyers, the extra living space that they may be looking to have.

For a quick and affordable way to update the appearance of your master or guest bathroom, consider purchasing coordinated metal fixtures. Towel racks, toilet paper holders, shower curtain rods and cabinet knobs, are available in a variety of shapes and finishes. Many home improvement stores offer these fixtures as part of a complete, coordinating package, that can easily be installed in a single day.

Buying used chairs with bad upholstery on the seat portion isn't all bad. A lot of times, you can easily remove the seat, take out the staples holding the stretched fabric across the cushion and switch it out. You can mix match any fabric of your choice, and staple it back to the bottom with a heavy duty stapler.

Before you commit to a new paint color for the exterior of your home, spend some time driving around and looking at homes that you like the look and color scheme of.  Paint chips are too hard to envision, so seeing it in person can help you make a better decision.

Install radiant heat under your new tile floors.  There are kits available for the do-it-yourself homeowner, and it's really not rocket science.  It will make a dramatic difference in the "wow" factor of your home both to guests and to potential buyers.  Invite them to take their shoes off and feel the heat!

Hot glue your screws, nuts, bolts, and other hardware to their storage containers!  When you are trying to find just that one piece of hardware even the best of organized shop can present a problem.  Written labels all tend to merge together when you are searching container after container for parts. 

Instead of investing in all new furniture, you may consider having your current furniture repaired and reupholstered by a professional. Many times older furniture is higher quality and with some affordable repairs and refurbishing you will have better furniture for less money than when you invest in low-price new furniture.

When it comes to home improvement, you may decide to not install a swimming pool.  While they are desirable, it will cost you considerable amounts of money in upkeep, and it may prove to be a deterrent to future buyers who do not want the hassle.  An exception to this would be at a home where a swimming pool is almost expected, such as in Florida or Arizona.

Have a backup plan for getting water or using the toilet if your home improvement project involves plumbing.  It is impossible to predict how long it will take to install a new sink or complete a number of other plumbing projects.  Even if you anticipate that you will be finished by the end of the day, have a backup plan in place just in case.  You don't want to leave your family without these necessities.

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